“Snow Fencing” by Sophia Lengle
“Snow Fencing” by Sophia Lengle
28 x 36 cm (11 x 14 inches)
Pencil and acrylic on Bristol Board (Unframed)
“Red Salt Covered Rocks” by Sophia Lengle
“Red Salt Covered Rocks” by Sophia Lengle
31 cm x 41 cm (12 x 16 inches)
Pencil Crayon, ink and acrylic on canvas paper (unframed)
“Looping Skeins” by Sophia Lengle
“Looping Skeins” by Sophia Lengle
23 cm x 31 cm (9 x 12 inches)
Acrylic, gouache and ink on paper. (Unframed)
“Inside Pines” by Sophia Lengle
“Inside Pines” by Sophia Lengle
56 cm x 74 cm ( 22 x 30 inches)
Acrylic, gouache and ink on cotton paper from La Papeterie Saint-Armand (Montréal)
“Hay Fever” by Sophia Lengle
“Hay Fever” by Sophia Lengle
28 cm x 36 cm (11 x 14 inches)
Acrylic and marker on Bristol Board (Unframed)